Michigan Beekeepers Association Spring Conference
Wed, March 3, 2021 at Virtual
The Michigan Beekeepers’ Association (MBA) and Michigan State University Extension will host the MBA Spring Conference virtually, March 3-6, 2021. Beekeepers and people interested in learning more about beekeeping, honey bees, hive products, drone use and bee-related arts and culture are welcome to attend. The Michigan Beekeepers’ Association celebrates its 156 years of serving Michigan beekeepers, and the association supports over 30 local beekeeping clubs in Michigan. Past conferences hosted by the Michigan Beekeepers’ Association have received over 600 attendees.Register at https://www.michiganbees.org/spring-conference/
View agenda: https://www.michiganbees.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/MBA_21SpringConf_Program_FINAL.pdf